
Rita Daniels answers her front door, greeting Alison Rey and her boyfriend Johnny Goodluck. She hugs Alison, expressing how delighted she is to see her. And this must be Johnny?, Rita says. Guilty as charged!, he laughs. It’s SUCH a pleasure to finally meet Rita!, he says. ‘And these are for you,’ he adds, presenting Rita with a small bouquet of flowers. ‘Well, aren’t you the perfect gentleman!’ Rita says happily, inviting them to come into the living room.

She’s heard SO much about him, it’s great to put a face to the name, Rita says. ‘I’ve been anxious to put a face to the name too! And a very BEAUTIFUL face, if I might add,’ Johnny says. Oh, he is SUCH a suck-up, Alison says playfully. No, he’s serious! He can see where Alison got her good looks, he adds. Well, he’s VERY sweet, but she’s actually Alison’s STEP-grandmother, Rita says as the trio sits down on the couch. Oh that’s right, he forgot. Well, even so, he stands by what he said, he says warmly. Rita smiles at him in return. There is a brief electric moment between Rita and Johnny.

Oh…why doesn’t she put those flowers in water for Rita?, Alison says helpfully. Sure! There’s a vase in the kitchen, Rita says, handing Alison the flowers. Alison leaves the room. So, he has to say that he’s surprised, she looks MUCH too young to be a grandmother, he says. Wow, he REALLY is a charmer, Rita smiles at him, licking her lips. Johnny takes a deep breath and begins to speak. ‘You know, there’s—,’ he begins.

At that moment, Alison returns to the room. ‘Where have you been HIDING this one?’ Rita smiles. Isn’t he amazing?, Alison asks affectionately. He is, Rita says, looking at Johnny with an emerging hint of lust in her eyes. If she were a few years younger…., Rita says. At that moment, Alison’s phone buzzes. She looks at it. Oh no, it’s work, she says, reading the text. There’s some sort of emergency, so she has to call her boss, Alison says, getting up to leave the room. This might take a while, she adds, apologizing as she leaves the room.

Rita and Johnny look at each other, smiling politely in a slightly awkward silence. Actually, he’s glad that they have a minute alone, Johnny says. He wanted to talk to her about something, Johnny says. Ok, she’s listening, Rita says, intrigued. Well…he…, he says nervously, pulling a small jewelry box from his pocket. Rita’s eyes go wide with understanding. He opens the box, revealing a diamond engagement ring. ‘I…I want to ask for your granddaughter’s hand in marriage and…and I would be HONORED if you gave me your blessing first,’ he says, exhaling heavily.

Wow! That…that is FANTASTIC news!, Rita says, sincerely delighted. It’s really important to him that Rita gives him her blessing, he says. ‘Her happiness is important to me too, so…I need to make sure that YOU make her happy,’ Rita says seductively, putting her hand on his crotch. Woah! What is she doing?? Johnny asks, his eyes wide as he pulls away from her. ‘I need to make sure that you please her…in EVERY way,’ Rita whispers. He looks away from Rita bashfully. Is she…is she joking? She can’t POSSIBLY be serious?, he asks sincerely.

She’s VERY serious, Rita says. ‘And getting married is a VERY serious commitment. So I’m going to do EVERYTHING in my power to make sure that you’re right for my granddaughter,’ Rita says. She moves toward him again. No..he..he can’t do that to her, Johnny says, shooting a glance towards the room where Alison has gone. But this is FOR her, Rita says. ‘I can’t give you my blessing without getting to know you, without getting to know…ALL of you. So if you want my blessing, THIS is what you have to do,’ she whispers. He is still reluctant, but can no longer resist. He nods and kisses her. Rita slides down to the floor and takes Johnny’s dick out of his pants and begins to suck it.

As Rita sucks Johnny’s dick, Alison suddenly catches them. Rita explains that she needs to make sure that they have chemistry together! So, why doesn’t Alison come and join them?, Rita asks flirtatiously. ‘So that he can REALLY show me how good he is,’ Rita adds. Johnny’s jaw drops. Alison thinks for a moment, biting her lip. Alison smiles finally and says sure.

After all, there’s no harm in some secrets between family…


AdultTime, Age&Beauty


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Published: June 28, 2019

Duration: 0:40:45
Views: 6.02K

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